GST Registration
@ Rs. 1500 /- Only
GET IT DONE IN 4 to 5 WORKING DAYSGoods and Services Tax (GST) is an indirect tax which was introduced in India on 1 July 2017 and was applicable throughout India which replaced multiple cascading taxes levied by the central and state governments. Under GST, goods and services are taxed at the following rates, 0%, 5%, 12% ,18% and 28%. GST is applicable to you if your annual turnover or Sales is Rs. 20 lakh or above.
GST refers to Goods and Services Tax which subsumes all taxes such as Sales tax, Service tax, Excise duty etc. into GST. GST registration is required primarily if your annual sales are more than Rs. 20 Lakh. Anyone supplying goods or services to another state, need to apply for GST regardless of turnover. Even online service provider serving customers in another State will instantly attract GST registration.
- Make Online Payment and fill up the form
- Complete
- PAN Card of owner/ directors/ partners
- Bill of Electricity/ Telephone, Rent Agreement or Letter of Consent (NOC)
- MOA/ AOA or Partnership Deed
- Letter of Authorisation for signatory
- Aadhaar Card of owners/ directors/ partners
- Cancelled Cheques
- Passport Size Photo
Import Export Code (IEC)
@ Rs. 1999 /- Only
GET IT DONE IN 1 to 2 WORKING DAYSIEC registration is required by a person for exporting or importing goods. It is a 10 digit code which is issued by the Directorate General of Foreign Trade (DGFT). All businesses which are engaged in Import and Export of goods require registering Import Export Code. IE code has lifetime validity. Importers are not allowed to proceed without this code and exporters cant take benefit of exports from DGFT, customs, Export Promotion Council, if they dont have this code.
Every Person willing to start the Business of Import & Export ie rtequired to take the Import Export Licence from the DGFT Department. Without IEC Code no person shall be allowed to import or export any kind of articles.
The IE Code must be quoted by importers while clearing customs. Also, banks require the importers IE Code while sending money abroad. For exporters, IE Code must be quoted while sending shipments. And banks require the exporters IE Code while receiving money from abroad.
- Complete Our IEC Form
- IEC Application Creation
- IEC fee payment
- IEC License sent by courier
- Complete
- Copy of PAN Card and Copy of Aadhaar Card/ Voter identity card
- Passport size photograph
- Authorization letter (In case of Partnership) OR Authority from other Directors on letter head (In case of company)
- Copy of Partnership deed (In case of Partnership) OR Board Resolution/self declaration (In case of Company)
- Telephone Bill in the name of the Individual (In case of individual)
- Cancelled Cheque
ISO Registration
@ Rs. 9999 /- Only
GET IT DONE IN 15 to 20 WORKING DAYSISO is an independent international organisation that facilitates innovation and leads way to the development of trade. The objective of ISO is to advance the improvement of standardisation in technology. ISO has listed internationally recognised standards (e.g., 9001, 22000, 14000) to encourage worldwide exchange of goods. ISO registration or ISO certification improves the credibility of your business and helps you get more business. You might have seen ISO 9001 Quality mark on products from large companies. This can be attained through ISO certification.
ISO means International Standard Organization. ISO prescribes a set of requirements, if maintained business organization, ISO certificate is issued to such organization.
ISO 9001:2015 is the International Standard for Quality Management Systems (QMS). It provides a set of requirements that helps management of business to achieve customer satisfaction.
ISO certification gives the confidence that, your business has the capability to provide HIGH QUALITY goods and services to its customers. Improves public image, Inspires confidence of the market and helps in growth of business, Helps in getting Govt. Tenders, Provides eligibility to enter global markets, Good marketing tool.
- Complete our ISO Registration Form
- Selection of Registration Type
- Submission of Documents
- Your work is now completed
- Complete
- Company Registration Proof
- Company address proof
- Copy of PAN Card
- Passport size photograph
- Copy of Aadhaar Card/ Voter identity card
- Two copies of sales bill/purchase bill
@ Rs. 8000 /- Only
GET IT DONE IN 15 to 20 WORKING DAYSCopyright registration provides a kind of safety so that the work carried out by the creator of work cannot be copied by anyone and to restore the uniqueness of the product. There are bundles of rights under Copyright like communication to the public, the rights of reproduction, adaptation, and translation of the work.
Copyright is basically a legal right which has been provided to the creators of literature, dramatics, musical and artistic work and even the producers films and sound recordings. Sometimes even businesses and startups get copyright registration related to instruction manuals, product literature and user guides. Usually, copyright is possessed by a creator of the work, but sometimes even the employer of its creator or the person who has authorised the work can own the copyright.
- Complete Copyright application form
- Prepare Copyright Application
- Filing of Copyright Application
- Copyright certificate issued
- Complete
- Personal Details of applicant
- Nature of Work
- Date of Publication
Design Certificate
@ Rs. 10000 /- Only
GET IT DONE IN 15 to 20 WORKING DAYSDesign registration is a type of intellectual property protection, under which newly created designs applying to a articles created under an industrial process can be protected from counterfeiting. Under the Design Act, 2000, a shape, configuration, pattern or ornament or composition of lines or colour or combination applied to any article can be registered. For a design to be registered, it must satisfy the following conditions: it must be new and original, the design should relate to features of shape, configuration, pattern or ornament applied to an article, the design must be applied to any article by an industrial process and the design must be visible and should appear on an article.
Design registration provides the creator, exclusive rights over use of the design for a period of ten years, that can be further extended for a period of five years. In case of infringement, the owner of a registered design can seek legal remedy under the Design Act.
- Design Certificate
- Company Profile
- Product photograph in 6 dimension
A patent registration helps in getting an intellectual property right to an invention carried out by an individual or firm. IP department has been initiated by Indian government to grant you the full right to register your invention under patent (but only if it is unique). In return the inventor must produce all the proofs related to the invention as asked by the government.
Patent registration provides a unique competitive edge for the business. Competitors will not be allowed to use the patented invention for similar goods or services. Patent registrations in India are valid for 20 years from the date of filing of patent application, irrespective of whether it is filed with provisional or complete specification.
- Fill Patent application form
- Conduct Patent Search
- Prepare Application
- Patent Submission
- Complete
CE Marking
@ Rs. 9500 /- Only
GET IT DONE IN 15 to 20 WORKING DAYSCE has been a certification mark on the products related to health, safety, and environment. Its origin is from Europe. In Europe, there is a quality regulating authority within EEA (European Economic Area) which authenticates the quality of their listed products. EEA includes European countries, Iceland, Liechtenstein and Norway. It is considered to be the EEA single market. CE stands for “Conformite Europeenne.” Its literal meaning is European Conformity. At the time of origin, it was EC Mark but was changed to CE Mark in 1993. Even the products which are exported to EEA by other countries can have CE Marking for it confirms the EEA standard as made mandatory by EEA.
CE Mark Certification Service
The logo has a value of a standard. To match with the changing trends of different products and make it more competitive, the CE technical experts work hard to maintain the standard of CE Marked products. They become the advisories to the manufacturers. CE is a standard of international standard. So many products are also sold outside EEA.
CE Logo Vector
You may download CE logo vector free of cost for the use of your products with proper permission from the copyright, whom you have to give an undertaking as per their requirement under the law. To download the same without adequate mission is a punishable act under the international law.
CE Marking ISO Certification Services
CE Marking is one of the standards brought forth by EEA and permits the manufacturers to use the mark for the standard.
ISO certification is an international non-governmental organization. It is an independent quality management system with some standard. If a product is approved and certified by some reputed organization, it adds to the trust and value of a product.
Certifications are not necessary or mandatory, but it makes a product of minimum standard which gives a product a trust.
CE Marking of electronic and electrical equipment
For quality, safety and non-health hazardous, the European Commission came up with a harmonized conformity with the EU EMC. The EC made CE marking mandatory for the products of electronic and electrical equipment to be sold in EEA. This made a particular standard of the above equipment which can be least harmful to the mankind or the users.
- CE Marking Certification
- Company Address proof
- Authorized person ID Proof
- One sale bill or purchase bill
- Product technical Specification
- Product Design sheet
GMP(Good Manufacturing Product)
@ Rs. 12999 /- Only
GET IT DONE IN 15 to 20 WORKING DAYSGood Manufacturing Practice (GMP) is a term that is recognized worldwide for the control and management of manufacturing, testing and overall quality control of food and pharmaceutical products. GMP takes quality assurance approach, which ensures that products are consistently produced and controlled to the quality standards appropriate to their intended use and as required by the marketing authorization.
GMP addresses issues including documentation, record keeping, personnel qualifications, sanitation, cleanliness, equipment verification, process validation, and complaint handling. Most GMP requirements are very general and open ended, allowing each manufacturer to decide individually how to best implement the necessary controls.
The quality approach of GMP ensures manufacturing, enabling companies to minimize or eliminate instances of contamination, mixups, and errors. This in turn, protects the consumer from purchasing a product, which is not effective or even dangerous. Failure of firms to comply with GMP regulations can result in very serious consequences including recall, seizure, fines, and jail time. It is believed that GMP is a good business tool, which will help to refine both compliance and performance of the Company. GMP requirements are largely common sense practices, which will help companies better itself as it moves toward a quality approach using continuous improvement. GMP is also sometimes referred to as “CGMP”. The “current,” methodologies of manufacture, testing, design and control. The Manufacturers must employ technologies and systems, which are up-to-date. Systems and equipment used to prevent contamination, mixups, and errors are adequate by today’s standards.
- Certificate of GMP
- Company Address proof
- Authorized person ID Proof
- One Photo of Authorized Person
- Quality Manual with sign stamp
- Company Profile