Trademark Registration
@ Rs. 9999 /- Only
GET IT DONE IN 15 to 20 WORKING DAYSA trademark is a unique and distinct “brand name” or “logo” or “tag line” that you can use to distinguish your product from those of others and your competitors. After registration of your trademark you can save your brand or logo or tag line by prohibiting other people from using the same or similar names. For e.g. In case of AMUL the tagline is “Taste of India” which is a registered trademark. It provides them protection as it is illegal to use the same logo or tagline.
Nobody will dare to copy your brand name once it is a registered trademark.
Customers give more preference to registered brands with TM Trademark registration helps establish ownership and protect brand of an entity.
- Complete our trademark Form
- Conduct your trademark search
- Select Appropriate Class
- Trademark Application filed
- Complete
- Soft copy of Logo Label
- Business Registration Document
- Partnership Deed/ Certificate of Incorporation
- Identity Proof and Address Proof